Journal Papers: |
1. Antonius Siswanto, Cheng-Yuan Chang*,“Frequency dependent convergence rate of FXLMS in narrowband active noise control systems,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, (accepted), Jan. 2025 |
2. Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Ming-Han Ho and Sen M. Kuo, “Improved direct–parallel active noise control systems for narrowband noise,” Acoustics, 2025, 7,4 |
3. Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Chun-Ning Chiou, Sen M. Kuo, “A complete design of smart pad that reduces snoring,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol.69, no.3 , pp.649-656 , Apr. 2023. |
4. Chong-Rui Huang, Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Sen M. Kuo, “Time-shift modeling based hear-through system for in-ear headphones,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 273-280, July 2022. |
5. Minh-Canh Huynh and Cheng-Yuan Chang*, “Novel adaptive fuzzy feedback neural network controller for narrowband active noise control system,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 41740-41747, Apr. 2022. |
6. Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Chia-Tseng Chuang , Sen M. Kuo , Chia-Hao Lin “Multi-functional active noise control system on headrest of
airplane seat,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 167, ID. 108552, 2022. |
7. Minh-Canh Huynh and Cheng-Yuan Chang*, “Nonlinear neural system for active noise controller to reduce narrowband noise,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ID. 5555054, 2021. |
8. Chung-Ying Ho, Lichuan Liu, Kuo-Kai Shyu, Sen M. Kuo, and Cheng-Yuan Chang, “Time-division multiple reference approach for multiple-channel active noise control system,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 495, ID. 115922, 2021. |
9. Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Xiu-Wei Liu, Sen M. Kuo, “Active noise control for centrifugal and axial fans,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 490-500, 2020. |
10. Antonius Siswanto, Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Sen M. Kuo, “Multirate audio-integrated feedback active noise control systems using decimated-band adaptive filters for reducing narrowband noises,” Sensors, vol. 20, ID. 6693, Nov. 2020. (doi:10.3390/s20226693) |
11. Chung-Ying Ho, Kuo-Kai Shyu, Cheng-Yuan Chang*, and Sen M. Kuo, “Efficient narrowband noise cancellation system using adaptive line enhancer,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 1094-1103, Mar. 2020. |
12. Chung-Ying Ho, Kuo-Kai Shyu, Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Sen M. Kuo, “Equation-error adaptive IIR-filter-based active noise control system,” Applied Acoustics, vol. 163, no. 1-6, ID 107226, Jan. 2020. |
13. Sen M. Kuo, Yi-Rou Chen and Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Chien-Wen Lai “Development and Evaluation of Light-weight Active Noise Cancellation Earphones,” Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 7, 1178, 2018. |
14. Chung-Ying Ho, Kuo-Kai Shyu, Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Sen M. Kuo, “Integrated active noise control for open-fit hearing aids with customized filter,” Applied Acoustics, vol. 137, pp. 1-8, Aug. 2018. |
15. Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Sen M. Kuo, Chung-Ying Ho and Kuo-Kai Shyu, “Analysis and enhancement of narrowband active noise control systems with disturbance,” Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 24, no.11, pp. 2247-2260, Jun. 2018. |
16. Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Sen M. Kuo, and Chiung-Wei Huang, “Secondary path modeling for narrowband active noise control systems,” Applied Acoustics, vol. 131, pp. 154-164, Feb. 2018. |
17. Yi-Rou Chen, Sen M. Kuo and Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Active control of wind turbine noise using audio integrated pillows, Noise Control Engineering Journal, vol. 65, no.4, pp. 305-319, July 2017. |
18. Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Antonius Siswanto, Chung-Ying Ho, Ting-Kuo Yeh, Yi-Rou Chen and Sen M. Kuo, “Listening in noisy environment: integration of active noise control in audio products,” IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 34-43, Oct. 2016. Download |
19. Liang V. Wang, Woon S. Gan, Andy Khong, and Sen M. Kuo, “Convergence Analysis of Narrowband Active Noise Control System with Imperfect Secondary Path Estimation,” IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 2403-2411, Nov. 2013. |
20. Cheng-Yuan Chang* and Sen M. Kuo, “Complete Parallel Narrowband Active Noise Control Systems” IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vo. 21, no. 9, pp. 1979-1986, September 2013. |
21. Lichuan Liu, Kaplia Beemanpally and Sen M. Kuo, “Application f multi-channel hybrid active noise control systems for infan incubators,” vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 1-11, Noise Control Engineering Journal, March-April, 2013. |
22. Cheng-Yuan Chang* and Sen M. Kuo, “Complete Direct/Parallel Structure for Narrowband Active Noise Control Systems” IET Signal Processing, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 477-485, 2013. |
23. Yoshinobu Kajikawa, Woon-Seng Gan, and Sen M. Kuo, “Recent Advances on Active Noise Control:Open Issues and Innovative Applications” APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, vol. 1, pp. 1-21, August 2012. Download |
24. Hyeon-Jin Jeon, Tae-Gyu Chang, Sung-Wook Yu, and Sen M. Kuo, “A Narrowband Active Noise Control System with Frequency Corrector,” IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 990-1002, May 2011. |
25. Lichuan Liu, Kaplia Beemanpally and Sen M. Kuo, “Real-time Experiments of ANC Systems for Infant Incubators,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 36-41, Jan-Feb. 2012. |
26. Cheng-Yuan Chang* and Sheng-Ting Li, “Active noise control in headsets by using a low-cost microcontroller,” IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 5, pp.1936-1942, May 2011. |
27. Woon-Seng Gan, Ee-Leng Tan, Reuben Johannes, and Sen M. Kuo, “Audio Projection: Directional Sound and Its Applications in Immersive Communication,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 43-57, January, 2011. |
28. Lichuan Liu, Sen M. Kuo, and Kishan Raghuathan, “An Audio Integrated Motorcycle Helmet,” Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control Journal, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 161-170, Sept. 2010. |
29. Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Deng-Rui Chen, “Active noise cancellation without secondary path identification by using an adaptive genetic algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 2315-2327, Sep. 2010. |
30. Hyeon-Jin Jeon, Tae-Gyu Chang, and Sen M. Kuo, “Analysis of Frequency Mismatch in Narrowband Active Noise Control,” IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1632-1642, August 2010. |
31. Lichuan Liu, Sen M. Kuo, and Kishan Raghuathan, “Active Noise Control for Motorcycle Helmet,” International Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 103-108, 2010. |
32. Sen M. Kuo, Lichuan Liu, and Shruthi Gujjula, “Development and Application of Audio-Integrated Active Noise Control System for Infant Incubators,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 163-175, March-April 2010. |
33. Sen M. Kuo, Ravi Yenduri, and Abhijit Gupta, “Frequency-Domain Delayless Active Sound Quality Control Algorithms,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 318, pp. 715-724, 2009 |
34. Cheng-Yuan Chang, “Efficient Active Noise Controller Using a Fixed-Point DSP,” Signal Processing, vol. 89, no. 5, pp. 843-850, May 2009. |
35. Fengchen Yang, Abhijit Gupta, and Sen M. Kuo, “Analysis of Narrowband Active Noise and Vibration Control Systems Using Parallel Adaptive Notch Filters,” Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 931-951, 2008. |
36. Liang Wang, Woon Seng Gan, and Sen M. Kuo, “Integration of Bass Enhancement and Active Noise Control System in Automobile Cabin,” Journal of Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, Special Issue on Active Noise Control, Vol. 2008, Article ID 869130, June 2008. |
37. Hsien-Tsai Wu and Sen Maw Kuo, “Teaching Challenge in Hands-on DSP Experiments for Night-School Students,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2008, Article ID 570896, June 2008. |
38. Lichuan Liu, Shruthi Gujjula, Priya Thanigai, and Sen M. Kuo, “Still in Womb: Interuterine Acoustic Embedded Active Noise Control for Infant Incubators,” Journal of Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, Special Issue on Active Noise Control, Vol. 2008, Article ID 495317, April 2008. |
39. Sen M. Kuo, Sreeram R. Chakravarthy, Rakesh Gireddy, and Abhijit Gupta, “Experiment of Active Snore Noise Control Systems,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, vol. 56, no. 1, Jan-Feb., 2008, pp. 16-24. |
40. Debi Prasad Das, Ganapati Panda, and Sen M. Kuo, “New Block Filtered-X LMS Algorithms for Active Noise Control Systems,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 1, no. 2, June 2007, pp. 73-81. |
41. A. Gupta, S. Yandamuri, and Sen M. Kuo, “Digital Implementation of Active Vibration Control of a Structure,” Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, vol. 26, no. 2, April 2007, pp. 135-141. |
42. Xu Sun and Sen M. Kuo, “Active Narrowband Noise Control Systems Using Cascading Adaptive Filters,” IEEE Trans. Speech & Audio Processing, vol. 15, no. 2, February 2007, pp. 586-592. |
43. Sen M. Kuo, Abhijit Gupta, and Sridevi Mallu, “Development of Adaptive Algorithm for Active Sound Quality Control,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 299, 2007, pp. 12-21. |
44. A. Gupta, S. Yandamuri, and Sen M. Kuo, “Implementation of Filtered-X LMS Algorithm for Active Vibration Control,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, vol. 54, no. 6, Nov-Dec. 2006, pp. 396-405. |
45. Sen M. Kuo and Ajay B. Puvvala, “Effects of Frequency Separation in Periodic Active Noise Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 14, no. 5, Sept. 2006, pp. 1857-1866. |
46. Xu Sun, Sen M. Kuo, and Guang Meng, “Adaptive Algorithm for Active Control of Impulsive Noise,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 291, 2006, pp. 516-522. |
47. Sen M. Kuo, Sohini Mitra, and Woon S. Gan, “Active Noise Control System for Headphone Applications,” IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 14, no. 2, March 2006, pp. 331-335. |
48. Woon S. Gan and Sen M. Kuo, “Teaching DSP Software Development: From Design to Fixed-Point Implementations,” IEEE Trans. on Education, vol. 49, no. 1, February 2006, pp. 122-131. |
49. Woon S. Gan and Sen M. Kuo, “Transition from Simulink to MATLAB in Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Education,” International Journal on Engineering Education, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 587-595, 2005. |
50. Woon S. Gan, Sohini Mitra, and Sen M. Kuo, “Adaptive Feedback Active Noise Control Headsets: Implementation, Evaluation and Its Extensions” IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 51, no.3, pp. 975-982, August 2005. |
51. Ying Song, Yu Gong, and Sen M. Kuo, “A Robust Hybrid Feedback Active Noise Cancellation Heaset,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 607-617, July 2005. |
52. Sen M. Kuo and Hsien-Tsai Wu, “Nonlinear Adaptive Bilinear Filters for Active Noise Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Part I: Regular Papers, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 617-624, March 2005. |
53. Sen M. Kuo, Hans H. Wu, Fu K. Chen, and Madhu R. Gunnala, “Saturation Effects in Active Noise Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Part I: Regular Papers, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1163-1171, June 2004. |
54. Sen M. Kuo, Xuan Kong, and Woon S. Gan, “Analysis and Applications of Adaptive Feedback Active Noise Control System,” IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 216-220, March 2003. |
55. Cheng-Yuan Chang* and Kuo-Kai Shyu, “A Self-tuning Fuzzy Filtered-U Algorithm for the Application of Active Noise Cancellation,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 49, no. 9, pp.1325-1333, Sep. 2002. |
56. W. S. Gan and S. M. Kuo, “An Integrated Audio and Active Noise Control Headsets,” IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 242-247, May 2002. |
57. Woon S. Gan, Sen M. Kuo, and Chee W. Toh, “Virtual Bass for Home Entertainment, Multimedia PC, Game Station and Portable Audio Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 788-794, November 2001. |
58. Cheng-Yuan Chang*, Kuo-Kai Shyu and Tzu-Neng Chuang, “Active Noise Controller with Fuzzy Filtered-U Algorithm,” IEE, Electronics Letters, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 543-545, 2001. |
59. Kuo-Kai Shyu and Cheng-Yuan Chang, “Modified FIR Filter with Phase Compensation Technique to Feedforward Active Noise Controller Design,” IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 444-453, 2000. |
60. Sen M. Kuo and Wei M. Peng, “Principle and Applications of Asymmetric Crosstalk-Resistant Adaptive Noise Canceler,” Journal of The Franklin Institute, vol. 337, pp. 57-71, 2000. |
61. Sen M. Kuo, Mansour Tahernezhadi, and Wenge Hao, “Convergence Analysis of Narrowband Active Noise Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol. 46, no 2, pp. 220-223, February 1999. |
62. Xuan Kong and Sen M. Kuo, “Analysis of Asymmetric Out-of-Band Overshoot in Narrowband Active Noise Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Speech Audio Processing, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 587-591, September 1999. |
63. Sen M. Kuo and Dennis R. Morgan, “Active Noise Control: A Tutorial Review,” Proceedings of The IEEE, vol. 87, no. 6, pp. 943-973, June 1999. Download |
64. Xuan Kong and Sen M. Kuo, “Study of Causality Constraint on Feed-forward Active Noise Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 183-186, February 1999. |
65. Sen M. Kuo and Kai M. Chung, “Narrowband Active Noise Control Using Adaptive Delay Filter,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 309-311, December 1998. |
66. Xuan Kong, Pu Liu, and Sen M. Kuo, “Multiple Channel Hybrid Active Noise Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 6, no.6, pp. 719-729, November 1998. |
67. Sen M. Kuo and Gregory H. Canfield, “Dual-Channel Audio Equalization and Cross-Talk Cancellation for 3-D Sound Reproduction,” IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 1189-1196, November 1997. |
68. Sen M. Kuo and Dipa Vijayan, “A Secondary Path Modeling Technique for Active Noise Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 374-377, July 1997. |
69. Sen M. Kuo, Mansour Tahernezhadi, and Li Ji, “Frequency-Domain Periodic Active Noise Control and Equalization,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 348-358, July 1997. |
70. Sen M. Kuo and X. H. Jiang, “Three-Stage Algorithm for Transformer Active Noise Control,” Applied Signal Processing, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 27-38, 1997. |
71. Sen M. Kuo and J. Kunduru, “Multiple Reference Subband Adaptive Noise Canceler for Hands-free Cellular Phone Applications,” Journal of The Franklin Institute, vol. 333(B), no. 5, pp. 669-686, 1996. |
72. Sen M. Kuo and Yajie Yang, “Broadband Adaptive Noise Equalizer,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 234-235, August, 1996. |
73. Sen M. Kuo and Gerald D. Miller, “An Innovative Course Emphasizing Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Applications,” IEEE Trans. on Education, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 109-113, May 1996. |
74. Sen M. Kuo and M. J. Ji, “Passband Disturbance Reduction in Adaptive Narrowband Noise Control System,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 96-103, March 1996. |
75. Sen M. Kuo, Mansour Tahernezhadi, and Holmes H. Chuang, “Adaptive Noise and Acoustic Echo Cancellation Techniques for the Hands-Free Cellular Phone System,” Applied Signal Processing, pp. 217-227, Dec. 1995. |
76. Sen M. Kuo, Yu C. Huang, and Zhibing Pan, “Acoustic Noise and Echo Cancellation Microphone System for Videoconferencing,” IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 1150-1158, November, 1995. |
77. Sen M. Kuo and Min J. Ji, “Development and Analysis of An Adaptive Noise Equalizer,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 217-222, May 1995. |
78. Sen M. Kuo and Jier Chen, “Analysis of Finite Length Acoustic Echo Cancellation System,” Speech Communication, European Association for Signal Processing and European Speech Communication Association, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 255-260, April, 1995. |
79. Sen M. Kuo and Zhibing Pan, “Development and Analysis of Distributed Acoustic Echo Cancellation Microphone System,” Signal Processing, European Association for Signal Processing, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 333-344, 1994. |
80. Sen M. Kuo and Min J. Ji, “Principle and Application of Adaptive Noise Equalizer,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 471-474, July 1994. |
81. Sen M. Kuo and Dipa Vijayan, “Adaptive Algorithms and Real Time Experiments of Feedback Active Noise Control Systems,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 37-46, March/April 1994. |
82. Sen M. Kuo and Jianming Tsai, “Residual Noise Shaping Technique for Active Noise Control Systems,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, vol. 95, no. 3, pp. 1665-1668, March 1994. |
83. Sen M. Kuo and Jianming Tsai, “Acoustical Mechanisms and Performance of Various Active Duct Noise Control Systems,” Applied Acoustics, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 81-91, 1994. |
84. Sen M. Kuo and Jian Luan, “On-Line Modeling and Feedback Compensation for Multiple-Channel Active Noise Control Systems,” Applied Signal Processing, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 64-75, 1994. |
85. Sen M. Kuo and Zhibing Pan, “Distributed Acoustic Echo Cancellation Microphone System,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, vol. 94, no. 6, pp. 3057-3060, December 1993. |
86. Sen M. Kuo and Jier Chen, “Multipath Acoustic Echo Canceler with New PAP Structure and TW-LMS Algorithm,” Acoustic Letters, vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 270-273, November 1993. |
87. Sen M. Kuo and Steve Voepel, “Digital Hearing Aid with the Lapped Transform,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 228-239, October 1993. |
88. Sen M. Kuo, H. Chuang, and P. Mallela, “Integrated Automotive Signal Processing and Audio System,” IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 522-532, August 1993. This paper received Chester Sall Award for the First Place Transactions Paper in 1993. |
89. Sen M. Kuo, Min J. Ji and Xu H. Jiang, “Development and Experiment of Narrowband Active Noise Equalizer,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, Institute of Noise Control Engineering, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 281-288, July-August. 1993. |
90. Sen M. Kuo and Zhibing Pan, “Adaptive Acoustic Echo Cancellation Microphone,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 1629-1636, March 1993. |
91. Sen M. Kuo and Zhibing Pan, “Performance Analysis of Acoustic Echo Cancellation Microphone,” Acoustics Letters, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 151-156, January 1993. |
92. Sen M. Kuo and Jier Chen, “Multiple-Microphone Acoustic Echo Cancellation System with the Partial Adaptive Process,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 54-63, January 1993. |
93. Sen M. Kuo, Mingjie Wang, and Ke Chen, “Active Noise Control with Parallel On-Line Error-Path Modeling Algorithm,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, Institute of Noise Control Engineering, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 119-127, Nov./Dec. 1992. |
94. Sen M. Kuo and Steven Voepel, “Integrated Frequency-Domain Digital Hearing Aid with the Lapped Transform,” IEE Electronics Letters. vol. 28, no. 23, pp. 2117-2118, November 1992. |
95. Sen M. Kuo and Jier Chen, “A New Adaptive IIR Notch Filter and Its Application to Howling Control in Speakerphone System,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 764-766, April 1992. |
96. Sen M. Kuo and Zhibing Pan, “An Acoustic Echo Canceler Adaptable During Double-Talk Periods Using Two Microphones,” Acoustics Letters, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 175-178, March 1992. |
97. Sen M. Kuo and Ming J. Wang, “Parallel Adaptive On-Line Modeling Algorithm for Active Noise Control,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 375-377, February 1992. |